August 2009 Browser Statistics

Browser statistics for August 2009 are in and indicate that Internet Explorer’s market share is diminishing slowly. According to w3schools web statistics, Internet Explorer’s combined market share for IE 6, 7 and 8 dropped a modest 0.1% in August. Firefox dropped in August to 47.4%, but still holds the largest share. Chrome gained market share to 7.0% while Safari stayed the same at 3.3%.

The statistics do show some good news for web developers as Internet Explorer 6 market share drops from 14.4% to 13.6%. This is very good news indeed! I don’t know about you but the demise of IE6 cannot come any sooner.

While we wait for that glorious day, you can sign the petition to kill IE6. You can also get a laugh at the “Save IE6” site. You’ll know what I mean when you visit. 😉