Photo by William Iven on Unsplash
You ran out of product once again because of your flawed reporting system. You let out a heavy sigh as you have to now pick up the phone and tell the client what happened. You aren’t surprised when the client gives you a tight deadline and hints that they no longer want to work with you. You just lost your biggest client all because of your reporting system.
When it comes to using reports to manage your business, you need an internal business application that is on point, fast, and reliable. If your software isn’t up to the challenge, then it is time to move on. Luckily, custom software can help solve the issue before it becomes a bigger nuisance than it already is. Custom software can once again save you time, money, and give you that competitive edge in your industry. Here’s how.
Product Monitoring
Keeping an eye on product can get overwhelming. If a report is inaccurate, it can throw a whole wrench into your business system. Orders get delayed, clients get angry, and your business suffers. Create a reporting system that simplifies keeping track of inventory. Custom software can allow for real-time reporting so you will always be on top of supply and demand. Never fall behind again because of your reporting system.
Cognizant of Time
Proper management of your time plays a large role when growing your business. A custom made reporting system is a great way to help keep your timeline in check. Detailed reporting and analysis on critical data will maintain better operations and free you up so you can focus on more important tasks. Using the correct business application to capture data will save you time better spent in other aspects of the company.
Competitive Edge
Want to be the best of the best in your industry? Then you’ll need great reports to help you get there. Custom software will give you a better insight on where to make improvements in your company.
Say you want to see how your latest campaign is doing. With custom software, you can tailor your reporting system to run a report specifically for that data. Now you can take that report and compare it against the market. Custom built reporting systems make it easier to see how you can make the campaign even stronger.
Off the shelf software is built for your industry, but not exactly for your company’s specific needs. When you build your own software, especially here in the USA, you’ll get to pick and choose what you want to include and exclude in your reporting system. Creating filters to show the dimension and metrics you care about will again save you time, money, and help your business to succeed.
Employee Improvement
Employees want to do their best and with custom software you’ll have the knowledge to help them to succeed. Perhaps you notice that a certain department seems to be having issues. With a custom built internal business application you can zero in on the issue. Now, you know what to look out for and employees do too.
Data Driven Businesses Do Better
A data-driven business is when every person within the organization uses data to make better business decisions. As your business grows, so does the complexity of monitoring all aspects of the company. Having an accurate and reliable reporting system is the only way to keep everyone on track working together to obtain the same goal. A custom made reporting system will allow each department to closely monitor their aspect of the business.
Now you may be asking yourself, “This all sounds great! But won’t it cost me a fortune to build an internal business application like this?”
Actually, custom software can save you from unnecessary spending. For example, take running a report to see how much product you currently have sitting in your warehouse. Inaccurate or vague reports show that you are low on product. Based on the report you buy some more. Later, after the order goes through, you find out that you had enough. This little glitch from your report has now interfered with your budget.
The reporting that custom software provides will prevent scenarios like that from happening. That in itself is worth spending the money to build your software versus using an off the shelf product.
The programmers at Ayoka systems understands what a business needs to succeed here in the USA. When you chose to work with Ayoka, you will get a timely response and up to date software. Ayoka will create internal reporting applications that will indicate where you can make improvements to help grow your business. Contact Ayoka for more information on how building custom reporting tailored to your business will make you stand out in your industry.