Five Ways Custom Software Development Can Cut Costs

Does the cost of custom software development have you worried? While custom software development is more expensive than purchasing an off-the-shelf software program, there are numerous benefits and costs savings with custom software development. When you purchase an off-the-shelf software program, you are subject to the design of the manufacturer. Their product will not fit all your business needs. As a result, you will need to add another off-the-shelf software package to incorporate the rest of your data or production needs. How many systems will it take to solve all your business needs? Let’s take a look at five ways you can cut costs with custom software development.

System Integration

With custom software, your developer can integrate your current software system into your new package. By combining your systems and not starting from scratch, you eliminate downtime and extra workloads. These often result from requiring staff to input all your data into the new system. However, if you want to ditch your old system entirely, that is still an option. Another factor with system integration is your designer can develop a system where different types of data “speak” to each other. With an off-the-shelf system, there is not an option to integrate numerical data with brochures or other visual data. Custom software has the capabilities of doing this type of integration. With the integration of this capacity, you will be able to cut costs by freeing up your employees to work on new products and services and make real-time decisions on this new data.

Data Analysis

In order to continue with the theme of data analysis, your new custom software can be designed to review all of your processes. By examining the productivity of your employees and the process of developing your products, you can identify slowdowns, inefficiencies, and problem solve issues. A custom software program can be designed to evaluate business trends, marketing campaigns, and employee workload concerns. These analyses can result in better production, decision making, improve marketing strategies, and enhance employee management.

Reduced IT Needs and Training

By purchasing a custom software program, you can reduce the need for IT services and training. The ease of use of the program will result in fewer computer work tickets due to staff not understanding how to implement the software. OnDemand training videos can be incorporated into the software to assist employees with questions, therefore, reducing calls to IT. Moreover, the easy to use software empowers your staff to work more efficiently. In turn, this equals less time away from the job attending training. It also means no more frustration with an inadequate off-the-shelf program.


With custom software development, you have enhanced security which will cut costs in the long run. If your system is easy to break by a hacker and the unfortunate happens, you will need to spend countless dollars in rebuilding your customer’s trust and your business’ reputation. An off-the-shelf system is more attractive to a hacker as those systems are well-known by the public. Hackers know how to break in and get the personal and financial information that they need. Custom software systems are harder to breach. Although the cost savings is only needed if your data is breached, you must include the potential cost in projection to be prepared for a reputation management strategy. Avoid the potential crisis with custom software.

Licensing Fees

When you purchase an off-the-shelf software package, you must pay licensing fees to use the product. Over time, these costs add up, especially when you add in the issue of the software not doing what you need it to do. You are paying more to use a system that doesn’t work for you. Not to mention, many licensing structures penalize your business for growing by charging you more per user or transaction. These added costs could be more expensive than custom software development. However, when you add all the factors together, custom software cuts more costs.

Ayoka Custom Software Development Systems

You must consider one more fact when deciding to purchase a custom software design. By making your staff’s jobs easier, you provide them with more time to be creative. They no longer find themselves bogged down in inefficient paperwork or ineffective production processes. As a result, your employee’s satisfaction and morale improve. Improved employee satisfaction and morale will lead to better retention rates. Improved retention rates will cut costs of hiring new staff and subsequent training.

If you are an organization and searching for ways to improve your productivity and efficiency, then look no further than Ayoka for services that will increase your productivity while still maintaining the security of your business records. Our custom software development emphasizes local, hands-on interaction, and discovering the needs of the end-users. If your business focuses on service delivery, then the team will incorporate systems to increase your production rates, provide more consistent delivery of services or products, and reduce variances or tighten tolerance for errors. This makes us ideal for delivering increased accessibility, efficiencies, and security to your business through our custom software development.

Don’t make custom software development complicated. If you want expert advice to guide you through the process and help you get the most out of your software, contact us. Call (817) 210-4042 and begin.