Apple and IBM have officially teamed up to develop enterprise-specific applications, combining user-friendliness and familiarity with big data tech by utilizing IBM’s ability to offer security, analytics, and device management along with Apple’s already popular iPads and iPhone, they will together begin offering new services to businesses in hopes of transforming Enterprise Mobility.
We are well aware of what each company has done for the technology industry since their inception, and since then, both companies have gone to great lengths to make acquisitions of other companies that will cater to their strengths and are currently working on over 100 end-to-end mobile solutions that will be ready for enterprise use! Their partnership will “redefine the way work will get done, address key industry mobility challenges and spark true mobile-led business change” as they plan on building a new class of native applications and offering services optimized for iOS and offering the ability to allow employees to manage their own devices. With IBM’s experienced consultants and developers coupled with Apple’s consumer experience, we will see the most widely accepted mobile devices in the world optimize their services for the enterprise that is shifting toward mobility.
IBM’s MobileFirst platform for iOS will provide an enterprise-class cloud solution for building and deploying elegant, integrated applications. Apple Care for Enterprise will build upon those solutions and offer what popularized Apple for its consumer relatability-their consumer support through telephone and Internet along with its onsite repair and replacement services. IBM’s MobileFirst Supply and Management for device supply, activation, and management will also be offered with leasing options available to businesses.
All of these new applications and services rolled directly to enterprises will definitely be a game changer now that it’s being brought to us by the two most renowned and well-received companies!