Companies with control systems and large equipment often spend a lot of time and money monitoring their assets. Frequently, these pieces of equipment and systems are located in remote places. This means employees have to be flown in when issues arise. With the rise of mobile application development, this may no longer be an issue. Save time and money by investing in a mobile app. This will help you monitor your company’s assets. Here are four recent trends in the mobile app world.
Monitor Assets
Monitoring large industrial assets can be difficult since they are generally located in remote areas. Also, they are frequently watched over by employees who don’t necessarily understand all the ins and outs of keeping the equipment running properly. Engineers and other employees often have to travel to make repairs or fix issues. With a mobile app, all of this can change. Employees who live and work far away can now monitor their equipment via a mobile app. In addition, these apps are extremely easy to use and are in real time. This allows workers to monitor the various operations of the assets from afar.
Integration of AI and Mobile Device
The recent integration of AI and mobile apps has made it easier for employees to work together on troubleshooting issues with assets without having to be in the same place. Technology, like video annotation, has proved to help fix issues. This allows everyone to see what is going on in real time on their screen, as opposed to just hearing about it over the phone.
In-App Notifications
Another benefit of a mobile app is that it can have in-app notifications to direct employees to high-priority actions. This is an easy way for a manager to organize their employees and for employees to know exactly what they should be working on.
Perfect for Remote Workers
Last but not least, mobile applications are extremely helpful for remote workers. In today’s world, more employees than ever are working from home. Apps allow them to stay connected with their coworkers and with the business. In addition, apps provide workers with access to asset monitoring from the comfort of their own home.
Mobile application development is always expanding and creating new features to help people. In recent news, mobile apps are being used to help remote workers monitor assets through the use of their mobile devices and AI technology. For more information about mobile applications and how they can help your business, contact us today.