Ready to make your billing system easier and faster? Your billing may be complex, but that doesn’t mean it has to be difficult. Ayoka can help you simplify your entire billing system. At Ayoka, we’ve simplified billing for all sorts of businesses. Whether you run a B2B business, a B2C business, or anything in between, we’ll work with you to create the best custom solution. Are you using an off-the-shelf billing system these days? Here’s how a custom billing software can make your business life easier.
Manage Custom Billing Rules
Here’s the biggest difference between custom billing solutions and off-the-shelf Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems: An off-the-shelf ERP won’t readily handle custom billing rules. If you need custom billing rules, you’ll have to customize your system. If you start with a standardized ERP, this process becomes costly and time-consuming. On the other hand, you’ll get a completely different experience with a fully customized system. A customized system lets you set your own billing rules in place. You get exactly what you need from the very beginning. As a result, you’ll see a major ROI, and you’ll see it fast.
Don’t Halt Your Upgrades
If you do customize an off-the-shelf ERP, you may not get your upgrades as often as you need them. Once you customize a standardized ERP, it becomes very difficult and costly to upgrade that system. When you finally do get your upgrades, you may have to customize your system all over again. In the meantime, you’ll face all of the risk that comes from a delayed upgrade. For example, you could leave your system vulnerable to hackers and other dangers. You may lose the security fixes and other features that come with the newer version of the ERP. That’s why the leading companies prefer custom billing software. With custom software, you’ll get your updates in a timely manner. Your system will stay safe and up-to-date.
Unify Your Billing
The more complex your billing is, the more you need a custom billing software. How many types of billing does your business use? For example, does your business deliver a subscription service? What about one-time payments or hourly invoices? If you use a combination of billing types, then you need customization. With a customized billing software, you can unify your billing system and make the entire process easier. At the end of the day, you’ll save time. Imagine what you could do with your business if you had some extra time.
Automated Invoices
Speaking of having extra time, how much time do you usually spend on your invoices? You could shorten that time with the automation that customized systems offer. With customization, you can get quick and easy invoices. Do you offer an auto bill pay option for those who use monthly subscriptions? If not, you can start offering that option with your custom software. In addition, your software could send automated late notices and request fees from those who miss payments. All of this adds up to you getting paid faster. When you get paid faster, you can do more with your business. Accomplish what you want to accomplish without worrying about payment delays.
Offer Convenience for Your Clients
In the paragraph above, we mentioned automatic subscription payments. These and other options don’t just make business more convenient for you. They also make it more convenient for your clients. This convenience means happier customers, and you already know how important it is to keep your customers happy. The end result, of course, is better business. If word of mouth travels, you may even notice an increase in clients. The longer you have custom billing software, the more you and your clients will notice a difference.
Gain Complete Compatibility
At one time, most people paid their bills from desktop computers. These days, people need more options. People pay bills and receive payments via computers, phones, and tablets. Is your billing software compatible with all of these options? Customized software will give you the compatibility that you need. Once again, you’ll offer convenience to your clients, and your clients will appreciate it. You’ll also notice a major difference with your custom billing software. When you can check invoices and payments easily from any device, you’ll save a lot of time and effort.
Custom Billing Software
Ready to see the difference that custom billing software can make for you? Then it’s time to call Ayoka Systems. Your team of Ayoka engineers will build a completely customized system that will fit your business like a glove. With your new software, you’ll see an excellent ROI, gain better speeds, see all the benefits we’ve listed above, and so much more. You can start by getting your free consultation. Contact Ayoka today to get started. Once you’ve experienced the custom software difference, we promise that you’ll never look back.