The U.S. Department of Transportation awarded a contract to The Boeing Company and Siemens Corporation to install and maintain explosives detection systems at the 438 U.S. airports serving commercial aviation. The contract required the team to complete studies of passenger movement, systems architecture designs, structural changes and to coordinate the supply of 1,100 explosive detection system (EDS) machines and up to 6,000 explosive trace detection (ETD) devices.
As part of the Boeing and Siemens team, Ayoka developed the Airport Services System Architecture, to enable new technologies to be introduced to U.S. commercial airports. The system architecture incorporates supply chain and operational changes necessary to meet new measures for security, customer service, and privacy.
The design incorporates innovative technologies and lateral concepts for operations, plus the capability to share security related information on a regional and national basis. From the perspective of the Systems Engineering process (Mil-Spec 2167a and IEEE 1220-1998), the Architecture offers a Preliminary Design based on the use cases generally applicable to United States airports governed by the Aviation and Transportation Security Act.
Systems integration was designed to provide a common view and appropriate reaction on security events, including the following systems:
- Baggage Screening (Primarily Hold Baggage)
- Baggage Tracking
- Baggage Reconciliation
- Access Control
- Perimeter Surveillance
- Network Monitoring & Management
- Fire Alarm
“In sum, Ayoka can go into a company and identify where lack of automation is hurting the company, and make recommendations on how to create a more automated flow.”
– Rona Shuchat, program director of application outsourcing services for Framingham, Mass.-based IDC