Today, custom e-commerce solutions offer industrial companies the opportunity to make more capital, and at a faster rate than relying on what distributors or third party sales people could hope to match. The most expensive domains and applications require only a fraction of overhead cost. Especially, when compared to the overhead demanded by royalty agreements or a physical warehouse. Moreover, it allows industrial businesses to directly sell to their clients at much lower costs. This also means they are more likely to turn a profit, especially if your software can suggest products and monitor inventory levels from your ERP. Of course, this all depends on your e-commerce applications.
Like many business organizations, you’re tempted to start at the lowest, cheapest levels of e-commerce. This means using pre-made applications and do-it-yourself models. However, these often cut down your potential sales if you’re selling machinery, chemicals or other non-consumer goods. Custom application development that supports your business processes, from purchase order management to compliance reporting is still, vastly cheaper than hiring more staff. Moreover, the returns almost always outweigh any initial investment. To get the most out of e-commerce for business to business systems, you need custom solutions.
E-Commerce Demands
Running an e-commerce platform is entirely different from running a physical storefront. First of all, consumers approach e-commerce applications with a different set of standards. In addition, they also expect your app to provide service at a speed no employee could match. For example, when someone visits your website, they are looking for clear, concise information with plenty of relevant images. They want to enjoy their experience through new features, but they also want to feel confident using your app’s functions. E-commerce should lead customers down an easy path, from the landing page to their final purchase confirmation. It’s a lot to ask of a single application. However, custom application development helps with each of these issues and more.
Keep Visitors’ Interest
Online shoppers and potential clients expect two things the second the click on your link. First, they expect something fresh and interesting. Second, they expect that fresh design to follow intuitive patterns of use. Essentially, they want something that is both new and familiar at the same time. This goes beyond pretty backgrounds and simple fonts. An engaging website or app needs to be built from the ground up. Custom application development gives you an advantage from the start. The right developers keep you involved throughout the process. This is the best way to ensure the final product meets your needs while appealing to customers.
Easing Customers through Searches
Obviously, every customer wants a smooth shopping experience. However, e-commerce shoppers take this demand to a new level. Speed and ease decide their shopping habits. If customers can’t find what they’re looking for on your website within the first few moments, they typically move on to a different provider. A key to getting customers where they want to go quickly is by honing your search features.
In addition to a well-organized menu with clear options and subcategories, you need to invest some time in your search functions. Does your search box have auto complete? Does it suggest popular items from your site based on the first letters? If users misspell an item’s name, will your search box list potential matches with similar spelling? Anything that shortens the time between a customer’s first click and their final purchase will increase the chances of return sales.
Shopping Carts to Match Your Products
Premade shopping cart apps don’t always work well for small or developing businesses. Many businesses rely on customization and a range of unique feature choices to help sell their products. The same goes for businesses offering service packages. A premade shopping cart app has limited options designed for basic orders. Even systems like those used by major crafting platforms, like Etsy, have serious flaws. They limit user’s ability to accurately describe their products. Unfortunately, these problems only compound when a business offers customization and unique commissions. Custom application development prevents these situations from becoming problems. Instead, developers gain a chance to incorporate the necessary range of tools and features from the project’s inception.
Technical Support
If an e-commerce application goes down, the profit loss is instantaneous. To prevent significant losses, it’s important to have reliable tech support with working knowledge of your system on speed dial. Custom application development requires a special kind of commitment to customer service, and any developers worth their salt will offer technical support and emergency response services. Custom work requires detailed knowledge of not only the new application, but the system into which it fits. More importantly, keeping their own product up, running, and making money is essential for developers. They are as invested in your custom application’s success as you are.
E-commerce gives businesses the chance to quick-start their sales, and nothing boosts initial sales and customer loyalty like a tailor-made application. Custom e-commerce solutions can walk the fine line between sparking interest with a new feature and ensuring customers don’t struggle to use it. A custom application can help customers find what they need faster, and a custom shopping cart ensures you present your product accurately. Best of all, custom e-commerce solutions will introduce you to your ideal tech support team. Together, these features boost sales and drive return business. It’s a smart way to get ahead of the vast competition in the world of e-commerce.