We’ve been in the software industry for quite a while now, and by that time, VR was just a few years old. In those days, people would say things like “VR is the next big thing”, or “VR is going to take over the world”.
I saw how powerful a tool VR was as it could be used to both simulate and recreate real-life experiences. This was in the early 2000’s and VR was still pretty niche at that point. But, over the years, VR has become a lot more mainstream. Today, many companies are realizing the power of using VR to create new experiences that would otherwise be impossible.
In this article, I’ll be sharing some of the most common uses for VR that we encounter as software developers.
1. Simulating Experience
One of the first applications of VR is to simulate experience. For example, if you’ve ever been on a roller coaster ride, you know how thrilling it is. But what if you could experience that same feeling without having to wait in line? That’s where VR comes in. You can strap on a headset and be transported to a virtual world where you can ride a roller coaster, fly a plane, or even explore outer space.
2. Training
Another common use for VR is training. For example, surgeons can use VR to rehearse a complicated procedure. Or, pilots can use VR to practice flying in dangerous conditions. VR can also be used for education. For example, students can use VR to explore historical sites or learn about how animals live in their natural habitats.
3. Enhancing Productivity
One of the most promising applications of VR is its potential to enhance productivity. For example, imagine you’re a carpenter. You can use VR to design a house and then walk through it to see how it would look. Or, you can use VR to train other carpenters. Another example is retail. Retailers can use VR to give customers a virtual tour of their store. Or, they can use VR to train employees on how to use new products.
4. Improving Health and Wellness
VR can also be used to improve health and wellness. For example, VR can be used to treat anxiety and phobias. VR can also be used to rehabilitate patients after a stroke. VR can even be used to help people with chronic pain manage their symptoms.
5. Connecting People
VR can also be used to connect people. For example, VR can be used to host virtual meetings or conferences. VR can also be used to create virtual experiences that can be shared with others. VR is also heavily used in gaming, for example the Oculus Quest and Playstation VR that are used to transport gamers into their game worlds where they can interact with each other.