At Ayoka in Texas, web development is more than just a pretty interface. Learn about our capabilities here.
In Texas, web development is a term that’s often used synonymously with web design. But there’s a big difference. Web design can be as simple as setting up a website with a template and adding some graphics. Web development includes much, much more. With Ayoka’s help, here are just a few of the things you can accomplish for your organization:
- Taking a desktop app and transforming it for delivery over a web browser
- Redesigning a web app for a better user experience across a range of devices
- Creating complex e-commerce solutions that integrate with backend ERP
- Enabling previously manual tasks to be done online, reducing “busy work” and freeing organizations to focus on enhanced productivity and quality
- Implementing an intranet solution (including SharePoint integration) on a private network
- Developing a proprietary CMS (content management system)
- Addressing website security concerns for highly regulated industries
Does your website need to be more than just a pretty face for your business? Call Ayoka at 817-210-4042 for a quote.