You may have noticed that we’re passionate about custom software safety. As a matter of fact, we’ve already mentioned safety in several previous blog posts. For those who are here for the first time, we’ve explained that bespoke software provides more safety because it’s not mass-produced. When you buy off-the-shelf software, your software works exactly the same as a lot of other people’s software. If a hacker figures out how to get into someone else’s software, that hacker will have no problem getting into yours. With customization, on the other hand, you have something rare and more difficult to hack.
That said, there are plenty of other reasons why customized software provides more safety than ordinary software. Let’s take a closer look at some of those reasons.
Custom Software Provides Crash Protection
First of all, customization protects your software from crashes. How? Well, custom software is designed with your specific hardware system in mind. Your hardware and software will work seamlessly with one another, creating smooth day to day usage. Furthermore, the right software team will test your new software for bugs and vulnerabilities at every step of the development process. On the other hand, off-the-shelf software developers don’t always have time for this attention to detail. Their goal is to get as many products to consumers, as quickly as possible. Safety is secondary to that goal.
Built for Your Security
Custom software isn’t just safe. It’s built from the ground up with your specific safety needs in mind. You’ll get added layers of protection that you just won’t get from standard software. Before your team starts building your software, they’ll meet with you to discuss the ins and outs of your business. You can bring up any security concerns that you have, and they’ll ask you some security-related questions. Once your team knows all about your security needs, they’ll build your perfect software from scratch.
Safe for Large Businesses
Do you run a large business? In that case, you know that the bigger the business, the bigger the software. The more departments you have, the more complicated your software needs can get. Unfortunately, having a far-reaching software means having more room for vulnerabilities. Custom software can take those vulnerabilities off the table. Your software team will make sure every part of your software stays safe.
Safe for Small Businesses
On the other side of that coin, small businesses have their own safety concerns. Some hackers go after smaller businesses because those businesses tend to use off-the-shelf software. Small businesses also tend to have fewer resources for patching software vulnerabilities. With custom software, you can avoid those vulnerabilities and keep your business safe. Your software team should treat your business with just as much care and attention as they’d use to treat a large business. They’ll create security measures so that you can run your business without fear.
Scalability Gives You Protection
On the whole, custom software gives you more scalability than standardized software. Your software development team can help you anticipate your growth needs so that you get everything you need from your software as time goes on. Standard software doesn’t always have this kind of room to grow, so you’ll have to replace and upgrade your software more often. When you replace or adjust your off-the-shelf software, you can leave opportunities for hackers to take advantage of your business.
However, if your software has built-in scalability, you won’t have to make so many adjustments as you go. You won’t introduce new vulnerabilities into your system, and you’ll keep your software’s protection from hackers.
Maintenance and Support
With any business software, you’ll need regular maintenance and support. If you choose custom software, then you can rely on your software developers to deliver the support that you need in a timely way. They’ll take care of your security needs on a consistent basis. Standard software developers don’t usually provide the same security support. These developers deal with lots of other customers, so they may put you and your needs on the back burner.
Customized software developers know your system inside and out. Because they work with you directly, they care about your software system and want to help you keep it safe. If you run into any security issues, they’ll be there to help whenever you need them.
Custom Software
Looking for custom software for your business? The Ayoka team would love to help. At Ayoka, we develop unique software systems for our clients. Our development process includes top-level security. When you get your software from Ayoka, you can rest assured that you’re getting the safety your business needs. Are you ready to find out how Ayoka can help you transform your business? Then get in touch with us today. Let’s start a discussion about your specific software needs.