Not every company fits an out-of-the-box application solution like Salesforce. There are functionalities left unused and often functionalities that are desired by a company to utilize, impeding on your company’s business model and goals.
While out-of-the-box software solutions prove to be inexpensive to purchase, it usually takes a company’s acquisition of software and implementation of the software for a company to realize that there is a lot of functionality that is left out that is desired, which could cost your company more money in the long run. Your own custom software applications can be maintained as long as your company needs it, while licensed business software is susceptible to updates and discontinuation at the licensing entity’s discretion. To maximize your company’s productivity, your end users need to be adept in utilization of your software capabilities. Most out-of-the-box solutions drop productivity levels and end users report that they cannot effectively complete their work as they experience continuous errors. Custom applications can fit perfectly with your company’s existing and future business methodologies. Building a customized application can prove to be more scalable, as our developers can project your company’s growth while maintaining program usability and security. External threats are always pressing, and out-of-the-box solutions make it easy for malicious users to anticipate and exploit your off-the-shelf software’s security flaws. If your company has already implemented an out-of-the-box software solution, custom software can be seamlessly integrated to meet your company’s itemized needs.
At Ayoka, we offer diverse industry experience in custom application development, bringing ideas from different fields that can be tailored to your exact needs. We examine open source alternatives to lower your cost of ownership while offering scalability to accommodate growth and facilitate emerging technologies. Creation of a customized solution that is tailored by our in-house developers based on your company’s needs and understanding what your end users expect will improve your application’s quality while cutting costs by utilizing open source frameworks like Java, .NET, SSIS, and more! We can meet with your staff and your end users to define software development processes to ensure that your custom solution is just what you need.